The simple answer is, “yes.’

Deep TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) uses magnetic waves to reach a deep, targeted area of the brain called the limbic system. Advanced research shows that improperly functioning neurons and nerve cells in the limbic system strongly correlate to depression symptoms. Therefore, treatments that promote healthy neuron growth and function can serve to alleviate depression symptoms.

Deep TMS technology was created by BrainsWay. While the bulky machine is not a pretty device, it has proven to be an effective one. A specially designed H-Coil is housed in a helmet-like device that fits on the head. The technology uses magnetic waves generated by the coil to rejuvenate the brain in a targeted way.

Since deep TMS is FDA-approved, most insurance plans will cover thirty-six treatments over the course of nine weeks. Hinsdale Psychiatry TMS is happy to help work with your insurance company to check your coverage.

Based on patents from the National Institute of Health, deep TMS has undergone more than sixty double-blind clinical trials. In addition, it is FDA-approved for the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder and Treatment Resistant Depression.

In Europe, deep TMS has been CE approved to treat depression, OCD, bipolar disorder, PTSD, Alzheimer’s disease, chronic pain and assist with smoking cessation. Patients have also seen beneficial results for the treatment of chronic migraines.

Deep TMS is a technological advancement that shows the potential to be game-changing in the treatment of depression and other mood disorders.


Deep TMS

• Called “deep” due to farther reaching treatment
• Uses an H-coil patented by BrainsWay
• Reaches up to 2.8 cm beneath the brain’s surface
• Stimulates about 17 cm3 of brain volume
• Guaranteed to hit the targeted area of the brain
• Remission rate of 32.6%

Standard TMS

• Often described as being “superficial” or “shallow”
• Uses a figure-8 shaped coil
• Reaches about 1.1 cm beneath the brain’s surface
• Stimulates around 3 cm3 of brain volume
• Misses the targeted area 65% of the time
• Between 7.1–9% remission rate