Our Services

Our highly trained specialists are expert in a broad range of psychiatric disorders and provide the best evidence-based treatment and care available for child, adolescents and adults.

We at Hinsdale Psychiatry believe that good mental health is essential to a high quality of life. Mental health impacts the ability to enjoy life, deal with challenges and difficult life events and experience positive and meaningful connections with other people.

Hinsdale Psychiatry is staffed by a full-time adult psychiatrist, child and adolescent  psychiatrist, nurse practitioner and clinical therapists specializing in a wide range of behavioral and mental health disorders. We employ a variety of clinical treatment modalities based on the needs of our clients.

Treatment modalities include the following:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapies, including group, couple and individual
  • Complex psychopharmacologic therapy
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
  • Individual and group psychotherapy

Office: 736 N York Road, Hinsdale, IL 60521

Phone: (630) 995 9905